ITS-Edu-TC Co-chairs and contacts


  • Yisheng Lv (, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


  • Fei-Yue Wang (, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Short description of ITS-Edu-TC

ITS technologies play an important role in our daily life. It is necessary for us to demonstrate ITS to all people from the child to the old and to get everyone educated of ITS technologies.

The TC on ITS Education aims at establishing life-long learning and communicating forums for all ages to nurture, develop and advance ITS education and education technologies by motivating and engaging all ITS practitioners, educators and learners. Get everybody ready and thrive in the ITS world in a new IT era.

The mission of TC on ITS Education is to promote ITS education in all technical areas of IEEE ITS society. We will design curriculums for k-12 students from the multidisciplinary and cross-cutting viewpoint involving Sciences, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, Arts, and Management, which will inspire innovation by using intelligent technology, and we call this an iSTREAM program. Then, we provide students at all levels, including pre-college, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate, the opportunity to explore the world of ITS, and supply special techniques and skills training in a practical way including Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, Operating, and Service stages. Furthermore, personalized and adaptive education will be developed for all practitioners of ITS for vocational career education. The TC on ITS Education will promote the application of fragment knowledge, distance and virtual education, recommendation system, auto-knowledge, and other new education technologies. The TC on ITS Education will engage all technical committees in ITS education issues and activities, and organize workshops and special sessions on education bringing academia and industry together to facilitate learning experiences and attract students and workforces to ITS.

Work Plan for 2017

1. A Lecture on Intelligent Vehicles Given to High School Students in Qingdao, China.


Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries

IEEE ITSS Shandong Local Chapter

Co-Organized by:

The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Association of Automation


Wuling Huang and Xiwei Liu


July 11-15, 2017.

Topic: Intelligent Vehicles

Abstract: Intelligent vehicle is now a hot and exciting direction both in academy and industries. In this lecture, we will introduce the basics of intelligent vehicles to high school students. The aim of this lecture is to get students know what intelligent vehicles are, how vehicles become intelligent, what benefits we can get from intelligent vehicle technology, and the future direction of intelligent vehicles. We also give a field show of demo mini intelligent vehicle to students.

2. IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Social Signals in ITS, Beijing, China.


The State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
IEEE ITSS Shandong Local Chapter

Co-Organized by:

Chinese Association of Automation

Areas of Interests:

– Traffic event detection from social media

– Traffic sentiment in social media

– Traffic prediction with social signals

– Traffic prescription with social media

– Crowdsourcing mechanisms for transportation-based Internet of Everything

– New and smart ITS services beyond location-based services (LBS): decision-based services (DBS), task-based services (TBS), information or intelligence-based services (IBS) or knowledge-based services (KBS)

– ITS with Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things, Services, and Everything

– ITS knowledge automation

– Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS) for transportation

Aug 5-8, 2017.

Committee Members List

Der-Horng Lee
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Gazwhan Al-Haji
Linköping University, Sweden

Hoda Talaat
Nile University, Egypt

Ricardo Giesen
Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile

David Good
Indiana University-Bloomington, USA

Wuling Huang
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Yang Liu
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Xiaolei Ma
School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University, China

Wanjing Ma
Tongji University, China

Mohan Trivedi
University of California – San Diego, USA

Vincent Duffy
Purdue University-West Lafayette, USA

Alberto Lopez Rosado
Nebrija University, Spain