L-TC Co-chairs and contacts (since 2014)


  • Simona Sacone (simona.sacone@unige.it) Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, University of Genova, Italy


  • Silvia Siri (silvia.siri@unige.it) Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering, University of Genova, Italy

Short description of PCTLN-TC

Logistic and transportation networks are very complex systems which must be properly planned, organized and controlled. These systems, related to the movements of both passengers and freight, are characterized by a high degree of complexity in terms of organization, administration and technologies, thus requiring focused attention both by researchers and industry partners. The development of innovative approaches is now becoming more and more pressing, due to the necessity of managing logistic and transportation systems in an efficient, synchronized and integrated way towards smart, safe and sustainable mobility environments.

The main scope of the TC activities regards the development of optimization and control methods/tools for the analysis, supervision, planning and management of logistic and transportation systems. The main topics of interest for the TC include (but are not limited to):

• Planning and management of seaports and terminals
• Planning and control problems in transportation networks
• Maritime transportation planning and control
• Cooperative logistics
• Multimodal transport modelling, monitoring and control
• City logistics
• Automated terminals
• Sustainability challenges in transportation and logistics
• Synchromodal logistics
• Supply chain management
• Information systems for logistic and transportation systems

Committee Members List

  • Claudia Caballini, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, claudia.caballini2@gmail.com
  • Graziana Cavone, University of Cagliari, Italy, graziana.cavone@poliba.it
  • Antonella Ferrara, University of Pavia, Italy, antonella.ferrara@unipv.it
  • Arnaud de La Fortelle, MINES ParisTech Center for Robotics, France (2017-2018: visiting professor at UC Berkeley), arnaud.de_la_fortelle@mines-paristech.fr
  • Giovanni De Nunzio, IFP Energies nouvelles, France, giovanni.de-nunzio@ifpen.fr
  • Dimos Dimarogonas, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, dimos@kth.se
  • Mariagrazia Dotoli, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy, mariagrazia.dotoli@poliba.it
  • Maria Pia Fanti, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy, mariapia.fanti@poliba.it
  • Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California, USA, ioannou@usc.edu
  • Karl Henrik Johansson, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, kallej@kth.se
  • Evangelos Kaisar, Florida Atlantic University, USA, ekaisar@fau.edu
  • Rudy Negenborn, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, R.R.Negenborn@tudelft.nl
  • Cecilia Pasquale, University of Genova, Italy, cecilia.pasquale@edu.unige.it
  • Marco Rinaldi, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, marco.rinaldi@uni.lu
  • Antonio Sciarretta, IFP Energies nouvelles, France, antonio.sciarretta@ifpen.fr
  • Simon Tamayo, MINES ParisTech Center for Robotics, France, simon.tamayo@mines-paristech.fr
  • Francesco Viti, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, francesco.viti@uni.lu