VST&A-TC Chair and Co-chair
- Azim Eskandarian (eskandarian@vt.edu), Virginia Tech, USA
- Lingxi Li (LL7@iupui.edu), Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
Short description of VST&A-TC
TC mission and vision:
How to improve driving safety is one of the most important aspects for intelligent transportation systems. Traditional passive safety systems (e.g., seat belts, airbags, etc.) take effects to prevent potential losses after crashes occurred. In recent years, vehicle active safety systems have been playing an important role in driving safety. These systems are in general based on advanced sensing/communication/control technologies, and are able to identify and predict potential crash/near-crash events and take appropriate actions to mitigate crash effects or even completely prevent potential crashes. Many active safety products have been equipped in vehicles, including pre-collision systems, crash imminent braking systems, pedestrian/bicyclist detection systems, etc. The Technical Committee on Vehicle Active Safety Technologies aims to bring researchers from academia/industry/government together to provide an interdisciplinary planform for researchers, developers, and practitioners to exchange state-of-the-art algorithms, techniques, and system designs in vehicle active safety, solve practical problems, and come with solutions for real world applications.
Work Plan for 2017
- Co-organized one workshop on CPSS based Parallel Driving at IV 2017;
- Plan to organize one Special Session on Active Safety Systems at ITSC 2017.
Committee Members List
- Yaobin Chen (ychen@iupui.edu) Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
- David Good (good@indiana.edu) Indiana University-Bloomington, USA
- Stanley Chien (schien@iupui.edu) Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
- Vincent Duffy (duffy@purdue.edu) Purdue University-West Lafayette, USA
- Jianqiang Wang (wjqlws@tsinghua.edu.cn) Tsinghua University, China
- Long Chen (Lchen.whu@gmail.com) Sun Yat-Sen University, China
- Fang Chen (fang.chen@chalmers.se) Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- David Fernandez Llorca (Llorca@aut.uah.es) University of Alcala, Spain